Cran R Project Org Download Mac

Cran project orgProject

To Install R

  • Download R for Mac OS X for Mac to gNU S statistical computing and graphics. R for Mac OS X has had 1 update within the past 6 months.
  • Package binaries for R versions older than 3.2.0 are only available from the CRAN archive so users of such versions should adjust the CRAN mirror setting (accordingly. R 4.0.3 'Bunny-Wunnies Freak Out' released on 2020/10/10.
  1. Open an internet browser and go to
  2. Click the 'download R' link in the middle of the page under 'Getting Started.'
  3. Select a CRAN location (a mirror site) and click the corresponding link.
  4. Click on the 'Download R for (Mac) OS X' link at the top of the page.
  5. Click on the file containing the latest version of R under 'Files.'
  6. Save the .pkg file, double-click it to open, and follow the installation instructions.
  7. Now that R is installed, you need to download and install RStudio.

Download R for (Mac) OS X Download R for Windows R is part of many Linux distributions, you should check with your Linux package management system in addition to the link above. Source Code for all Platforms Windows and Mac users most likely want to download the precompiled binaries listed in the upper box, not the source code. Installing R and RStudio on Mac OS X. To install R and RStudio on Mac OS X, go through the following steps: Install R on Mac. Step – 1: Go to CRAN R Project Website. Step – 2: Click on the Download for (Mac) OS X link. Step – 3: Click on the link for the pkg file of the latest R version and save it.

To Install RStudio

  1. Go to and click on the 'Download RStudio' button.
  2. Click on 'Download RStudio Desktop.'
  3. Click on the version recommended for your system, or the latest Mac version, save the .dmg file on your computer, double-click it to open, and then drag and drop it to your applications folder.

To Install the SDSFoundations Package

  1. Download SDSFoundations to your desktop (make sure it has the '.tgz' extension).
  2. Open RStudio.
  3. Click on the Packages tab in the bottom right window.
  4. Click 'Install.'
  5. Select install from 'Package Archive File.'
  6. Select the SDSFoundations package file from your desktop.
  7. Click install. You are done! You can now delete the SDSpackage file from your desktop.

To Install R:

  1. Open an internet browser and go to
  2. Click the 'download R' link in the middle of the page under 'Getting Started.'
  3. Select a CRAN location (a mirror site) and click the corresponding link.
  4. Click on the 'Download R for Windows' link at the top of the page.
  5. Click on the 'install R for the first time' link at the top of the page.
  6. Click 'Download R for Windows' and save the executable file somewhere on your computer. Run the .exe file and follow the installation instructions.
  7. Now that R is installed, you need to download and install RStudio.

Cran Project

To Install RStudio

  1. Go to and click on the 'Download RStudio' button.
  2. Click on 'Download RStudio Desktop.'
  3. Click on the version recommended for your system, or the latest Windows version, and save the executable file. Run the .exe file and follow the installation instructions.

To Install the SDSFoundations Package

Cran R Project Org Download Macromedia

  1. Download SDSFoundationsto your desktop (make sure it has the '.zip' extension).
  2. Open RStudio.
  3. Click on the Packages tab in the bottom right window.
  4. Click 'Install.'
  5. Select install from 'Package Archive File.'
  6. Select the SDSFoundations package file from your desktop.
  7. Click install. You are done! You can now delete the SDSpackage file from your desktop.